Get to know Amelia Naran
Nurse Practitioner
Amelia “Rochelle” Narain MSN, APRN, GNP-BC is a Nurse Practitioner with a specialty in Geriatrics, Holistic Health Provider, Designer Herbalist, Speaker, Teacher, Radio Co-host of Vibrant Living with Dr. Calvin Ellison, Lifestyle Consultant, and Certified Doula. She is the owner and founder of In My Garden Health and Lifestyle Consulting. She is a Partner and Resident Health expert with The Rebirth Experience, a Social Media based group focused on providing Spiritual and Lifestyle support for Women looking to change their health in a Holistic manner.
She has worked as a Health Ministries Leader, Women’s Ministry Leader, and with various children’s ministries in her local congregation. She is a member of the Atlanta Black Chamber of Commerce and has served as a member of the Community Affairs Committee. That is a committee that helps to promote and teach the community about various health issues in the black community. Amelia is a regular speaker on “Phone Faith,” an Atlanta-based call-in Health and Education show for the visually impaired. She has partnered with American Red Cross to organize blood drives. She has been a speaker for the Department of Family and Children’s Services and Department of Health and Human Services in Georgia. She has been a part of the planning committee for National Nurse Practitioner’s Annual Conference. Amelia co-developed and planned a historic walk across the country with “A Thousand Thanks,” a 501c3 created to acknowledge and support the sacrifice of the American Soldier.
Amelia “Rochelle” Narain is an avid lover and believer in health and patient “Self-Determination.” She believes that sickness is not God’s plan and that if there’s a disease or illness there MUST be a likely solution. In order to have health, you must get to the root of the problem. Amelia has been married for 29 years and has one child. Her goal is to empower and educate as many people as possible to take control and responsibility of their own health —to help others get what they need to accomplish that goal according to God’s Will.
Specialty: Geriatrics, Holistic Health Provider, Designer Herbalist, Speaker, Teacher, Lifestyle Consultant, and Certified Doula
Education: Licensed Nurse Practitioner, Wellness Coaching
Work Days: Monday - Thursday 9 - 5 pm